Honest: telling the truth, admitting to something that you did wrong, not lying about something
Cheerful: smiling, having a somewhat high-pitched voice with eyes lit up
Kind: helping the homeless, showing someone that you care about them
Serious: having a no-nonsense tone of voice
Impatient: huffing, bouncing your knee up and down
Adventurous: exploring places that scare and frighten you, taking risks
Hard-working: persevering through obstacles to achieve your goal
Cautious: taking slow and steady steps towards something or someone, tentatively doing something
Bossy: telling someone/ people what to do
Unfriendly: a dog growling to something or someone as they advance towards that in a menacing way
Gloomy: down in the dumps, sort of sad, having a cloud over your head
Shy: afraid to speak up to people, hiding behind someone who you know to shield yourself from a stranger who that someone wants you to meet