Step-by-step explanation:
I would like to compare the change in teaching-learning methods over the years.
Initially I believed that:
- Teacher acted as lecturer
- Teacher always ask "yes or no" questions
- There is no or less scope for the student to talk/ interact with concepts
- Less scope provided by the school for the children to participate in variety of aspects to find the hidden talents
- There will be chalk, board, book, students and teacher in the classroom
- The process of taking class is termed "teaching"
But now:
- Teacher started asking "Open-ended" questions
- School provide variety of activities to find the hidden talent
- The process of taking class is now termed as "teaching-learning"
- Student think and ask more
- Student's learn through multimedia and also through internet
So the knowledge added in teaching-learning has made me to accept the truth of change and I have reevaluated by belief with respect to school education.