A blood pressure of 150/90, means that this person is in Stage 2 of high blood preassure, according to High blood preassure guidelines (2017). A heart rate of 189 beats/minute is too fast, which is called tachycardia. The EKG is not showed in this question, but we might think is abnormal.
Step-by-step explanation:
To Improve their overall heart health we should have a complete diagnostic from a Doctor. This includes: EKG, imaging tests and laboratory tests. After this, the Doctor will adjust a plan and some recommendations according to all the results. You may need the help of a cardiologist and a nutritionist.
Some general recommendations these patients can follow:
- Try to reduce stress by meditation, yoga or slow walks in some of your favourite places.
- Reduce coffe intake
- Reduce your sodium intake
- Avoid smoking or drinking
- You may eat healthir and reduce your weight
- Pay attention to your medication