a) The local drag at the midpoint is 0.921 N/m²
b) The drag force is 0.059 N
c) The local heat transfer is 27158.6 W/m²
d) The total heat transfer is 17282.5 W
Step-by-step explanation:
ρ = 13557.5 kg/m³
v = 0.1165x10⁻⁶m²/s
Pr = 0.026
k = 8.5675 W/m K
vα = 0.3 m/s
Tα = 15°C
a) The Reynold´s number is:

The flow is laminar. The drag coefficient at the midpoint is:

The local drag at the midpoint is equal:

b) The average coefficient for the plate is:

The total drag force is:

c) The equation:

at midpoint n = 0.075 m

The local heat transfer is:

d) The average heat coefficient is:

The average Nussele: