List the independent and dependent variables.
1: Topic 1: Which type of brand of chocolate melts fastest in the sun?
Independent Variable:
Dependent Variable:
2: Topic 2 How does a light bulb’s wattage affect the amount of heat detected above the light?
Independent Variable:
Dependent variable:
3: Topic 3: Which stain remover works the best?
Independent Variable:
Dependent variable:
4: Topic 4 What effect does temperature have on the elasticity of a rubber band?
Independent Variable:
Dependent variable:
5: Topic 5: Does the amount of water affect a rainbow?
Independent Variable:
Dependent variable:
6: Topic 6: Does music affect animal behavior?
Independent Variable:
Dependent Variable:
7: Topic 7 Does the color of a room affect the mood of the people in it?
Independent Variable:
Dependent variable:
8: Topic 8: Does cold storage affect the germination of seeds?
Independent Variable:
Dependent variable:
9: Topic 9 Does temperature affect the strength of a magnet?
Independent Variable:
Dependent variable:
10: Topic 10 How are plants affected by the distance between them?
Independent Variable:
Dependent variable: