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1. What are some of the conventions (widely used and accepted devices, practices, or techniques) of science fiction films that Raiders of the Lost Ark exemplifies in style, subject matter, and values: a. What conventions of style in action-adventure films does Raiders of the Lost Ark exhibit? For example, what techniques (e.G. Camera shots or camera movement) does the film use? b. What conventions of subject matter in action-adventure films does the film exhibit? c. What conventions of values in action-adventure films does Raiders of the Lost Ark exhibit? What lessons does Raiders of the Lost Ark teach or what behaviors does the film approve? 2. Action-adventure films feature death-defying, extreme situations. Some events and stunts are plausible; others aren't. How far are you willing to suspend your disbelief with this film? Are there any scenes that are so absurd that your ability to suspend your disbelief goes too far? Explain.

1 Answer

6 votes


1. The subject of this movie Raiders of the Lost Ark emphasizes on the importance of science along with discovery. They uniquely use different styles including speculation and articulateness. It also sheds light on how knowledge can be used in both constructive or destructive ways. It is also one of the highest-earning movies of all times. It has many fighting scenes with hints of sly humor. It is an adventurous movie.

A) Raiders of the Lost Ark was released during 1981. Indiana Jones is the main character of this movie. He was shown to set out on an adventure to find a mystic biblical artifact. The director shot this movie using various interesting camera techniques. Fast cutting, camera framing, close-ups etc are one of the many techniques used. The shaky camera scenes perfectly describe white-knuckle fights while creating elements of suspense.

B) This movie was made in the direction of Steven Spielberg. This action-adventure filled movie has both the hero and villain clearly identified. Indiana Jones plays the role of a hero while Doctor René Emile Belloq is the heinous villain of the movie. The villain has a whole organization set up with ulterior movies against the hero. He tried several times to kill him. He shows hatred towards Indiana Jones. He had been keeping his feelings inside for many years.

C) Many moral values are beautifully portrayed in the movie. It also shows us exemplary characters to follow in real life. Indiana Jones's character is an inspiration to many people. He displayed such values like respect, courage, never giving up, knowledge is the ultimate power etc. The movie also leaves one in awe of his character. A person is given food for thought too so they can ponder over his or her own behaviors.

Indiana Jones fights against all odds and wins righteously. His behavior is an example for us all and is highly praised in the movie as well. His character is approved in the movie. The heavy contrast of good and evil enables the viewers to distinguish clearly between both. Doctor Rene describes all the enmities a person should not have like jealousy etc. His behavior is despised in the movie and is disliked for having immoral attitude.

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