Because Morse code was time consuming and expensive to use, the messages had to be shortened to include only the important information. Often that meant things like "the" were left out, as the message could still be understood even if it wasn't entirely grammatically correct. The same applies to twitter as there is a limit on the number of characters allowed (140). The character limit is due to how mobile carriers only allow 160 characters sent, but 20 of them are reserved for the twitter handle (aka the username). Going back in history, telegrams also had a very similar character limit. As the text states: "Affordable telegrams, therefore, were limited. They could be no more than 150 characters" and this is only applicable to the affordable options. Many people weren't so lucky to have these cheaper plans. The unfortunate people had "telegraph carriers charged more money for messages that were longer than 10 words. They charged more for words that were longer than 15 characters."