Dance - you could do a presentation on all the different kinds of dance, how long dancing has been used in cultures, etc.
Music - very similar to dancing; different kinds, how it has been used, how it effects us today, etc.
Art - explaining how art has changed over the years, and why its important, maybe show some cool timelines of how art looks going back all the way till it was paint on stone walls!
Mathematics - I bet that not a bunch of people are going to rush on making a presentation about math, but it is a option, and can be more fun then you might think. Some ideas for a math presentation would be showing the history of math, why we need it, why it effects us so much, and maybe throw in a cool fun facts or brain teasers!
Government - Maybe throw in some ideas about why our government is the way it is, and how it works. This could work for a broad range of topics; presidents, politics, history of our government, etc.