I would say the first step is to realize the problem that the person is saying. Which you've already have done. look at it from a logical perspective instead of our emotion. Say someone says, " The man should ask you if he likes you." Now look at this from a logical perspective. We obviously know that plenty of relationships have worked when the female asks the other person. This man could be shy or uncertain you feel the same. No harm in trying. Now if we looked at this emotional this would make us woman (or person in general) feel like this person for sure doesn't like us now. So take a breath and look at this from a logical perspective. Now with this new information apply it to your emotional side and see how this reacts. But make sure logic comes before emotion. We can obviously also think that, " oh this person is telling me their opinion because she or he feels like they need to." but this is again emotion. We can think with logic that, " Oh this person must've felt this way for someone else or just at this time. Doesn't mean it's true." We also learn best from people who disagree with us. So take their perspective into view also. But don't let it fully change your opinion unless you agree with the persons perspective. Again look at it logical and see what you feel about this. Not exactly what they feel. Hope this helps!