7(2x + 5 - 3y)
Looking at the Factors below the question, what do you notice?
I notice that 14, 35 and 21 all have a GCF of 7
With this, we can now start factoring, but before we start, keep in mind that we need to find terms that when multiplied with 7 give us 14x, 35, and -21y.
- Be careful with the signs ( + and -) when factoring!
14x + 35 - 21y
7(2x + 5 - 3y)
Check you answer to make sure if results in our original expression:
7(2x + 5 - 3y) <== distribute seven
7(2x) + 7(5) + 7(-3y)
14x + 35 - 21y
Therefore, we have correctly factored the expression, and the correct answer is 7(2x + 5 - 3y)
Hope this helps!