Number 4: Yes, Numbers 5 and 6: See response below, Number 7: 24 meters
Number 4: Negative numbers can't have real number square roots, but negative numbers can have real number cube roots. Take the cube root of -8 as an example. The answer would be -2. This also brings me to another point, discussed in the second response.
Number 5: A cube root is different than a square root being that -
1. the final answer of a cube root is always a negative number while that of a square root is always positive.
2. of course square roots area only applicable to positive numbers, rather cube roots, applicable to both negative and positive numbers
And there are plenty more differences..........
Number 6: I am not sure of a number where the square root and cube root are equal, don't give me credit on this question
Number 7: Take the cube root of 13,824 to get the dimensions, which are all equivalent to 24 (24 * 24 * 24 = 13,824)
*(Just want to add that it's 11:12 in the night, you should get sleep)