Odysseus is an epic hero that makes us follow his genre while writing another epic, looking at a heroic structure and also while reading other epics that are closely related to the story of Odysseus.
Step-by-step explanation:
In view of comparing and contrasting Odysseus with another hero in Literature works, we can always choose our heroes from the greatest playwright, Shakespeare.
When we speak about Odysseus, his loyalty towards family though being away from them (wife and son) for nearly 25 years, his honesty and truthfulness to his country, his unwilling nature to give up make him an epic hero.
Shakespeare heroes, for instance, when we consider heroes from Othello, Hamlet and also, Achilles we can clearly see the constancy of courage, valor, unwillingness to give up in Shakespeare stories too. These are few similarities in the kind of attributes we take into consideration while viewing at the heroism perspective.