From the views of the ERA, Schafly supported the idea that, women did not want to compete with men, But want ed to play the role of wife, koontz on the other hand supported the ERA, that women working and providing for themselves should be given equal rights with the men.
Step-by-step explanation:
Schafly was contestant recognized for the Amendment of Equal Rights
She supported the idea that some women still wanted to be treated as such, saying that on equal basis, the women did not want with the men, but Preferred to be supported financially by their husbands and be full-time wife and mother and to be
Koontz, who was head of the US Women´s Boureau, supported the ERA because she believed that denying rights for women who didn't fulfill social possibilities,like having a man to assist them, as regards to the situation of those women who did not have a male provider, but sometimes those women who took care of an ill husband, could not meet social expectations.