The correct options are option B and D
Step-by-step explanation:
A GM crop is a plant that has a novel mix of hereditary material got using present day biotechnology.
For instance, a GM harvest can contain a gene(s) that has been misleadingly embedded rather than the plant getting it through fertilization.
The subsequent plant is said to be "hereditarily altered" despite the fact that in all actuality the sum total of what harvests have been "hereditary adjusted" from their unique wild state by training, determination, and controlled reproducing over significant stretches of time.
In 1994, Calgene's postponed aging tomato (Flavr-Savr™) turned into the primary hereditary altered nourishment yield to be delivered and expended in an industrialized nation. Since the recorded commercialization of GM crops in 1996 to 2018, a few nations have added to ~113-overlay increment in the worldwide zone of transgenic crops.
The region planted to GM crops shot up from 1.7 million hectares in 1996 to 191.7 million hectares in 2018, with an expanding extent developed by creating nations. In 2018, there were 26 biotech nations, 18 of which growing 50,000 hectares or progressively, 21 creating nations and 5 mechanical nations; they were, arranged by hectarage: USA, Brazil, Argentina, Canada, India, Paraguay, China, Pakistan, South Africa, Uruguay, Bolivia, Australia, Philippines, Myanmar, Sudan, Mexico, Spain, Colombia, Vietnam, Honduras, Chile, Portugal, Bangladesh, Costa Rica, Indonesia.