Acid drainage results as a consequence of strip mining that produces sulfuric acid that can harm living things.
Step-by-step explanation:
Strip mining mainly done to mine coal destroys land surfaces and pollutes the biotic organisms and abiotic components like water, soil and air.
Acid mine drainage (AMD) from a mine refers to the acidic material outflow from a mining site. This acidic outflow mixes with surface ground water and will pollute it.
The net acidity of the AMD is mainly due to sulfur-containing compounds (mostly iron sulfide) which dissolves in the surface water and air. When rain occurs, it mixes with the sulfur dioxide present in the air and causes acid rain.
Effects of acid mine drainage
- The acidity of AMD is very high and reduces the pH of whichever water it mixes with. The water will be considered undrinkable and can leach and burn the skin surfaces when contact with it.
- These can kill the aquatic organisms when mixed in the water bodies.
- AMD when combined with other metals like arsenic, lead, cadmium etc present in the earth can produce more toxic substances.
- AMD can corrode metal structures.