Answer: The area of the Balkans has historically been the site of conflicting interests of major world powers.
Step-by-step explanation:
- However, this is still the case today, but to a much lesser extent. However, individual accounts are indicating the interference of major world powers and their global geopolitical plans with the current situation in the Balkan Peninsula. The case is quite complicated, especially in the countries of the former Yugoslavia. If we exclude Greece, which has been part of the European Union for many years, and is primarily oriented in this direction, the situation in other countries is not yet clear. However, it is also possible to put Croatia in this group, which has been a part of the European Union for almost a decade. Looking at Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo's situation is much more complicated. This is where the interests of Europe, Russia, the United States, and in the military context of Russia and the NATO Pact are primarily in conflict. Countries have been offered the fulfilment of certain conditions to become equal members of the European Union. The initiative is also supported by the United States, which has traditionally been in good relations with Western European countries. Given the complexity of the political situation in these countries, this path is steep.
- Some analysts point out that Russia has some influence on politics in this part of Europe. Also, for example, Serbia has a traditionally good relationship with Russia, which is why it is not yet part of the European Community. And if all governments in Serbia supported the European path, that country has not yet become a full member of the European Union. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, where the situation is most complex, some Bosniak politicians support the European path of BiH, while, according to Serb corps, politicians are still escalating on the issue, and what they have in common is a high rate of corruption. Montenegro is closest to the European Union of these countries and has recently been a member of the NATO pact. Serbia is partly in favour of military neutrality, while there are some NATO-backed politicians. The situation is similar in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Balkans is a significant geostrategic area. The countries are rich in natural and mineral resources. This is why this part of Europe is attractive to the great powers of the world. It is not alluding to the claim to the territorial integrity of countries by the world's superpowers, but rather to seek to outweigh and extend political influence to this part of the European continent. Like many other parts of the world, the Balkans is only part of the many regions that are the site of the geopolitical interests of major world powers.