The correct option is B. Locus of Control.
Step-by-step explanation:
Locus of Control is the degree to which people believe that they have control over the outcome of events in their lives irrespective of the opposed external forces (usually beyond their influence).
Steve Jobs from his early stages in Forethought Inc., in the IT industry had been an outstanding scholar and manufacturer. He believed that one can take the destiny of his company in his hands irrespective of the fierce competition in the early stages of his career. Jobs demonstrated it by aiding the greatest losses of funds in the history of business and from which he gained he stole the technology with which he partnered to establish the Apple Computers incorporated. It was the same Locus of Control exhibited by Jobs that made the Apple Inc., to build the Machintoch, which was the first computer system to use a keyboard and mouse simultaneously. Since then, Jobs has been pushing the company from one enviable height to another till his death. He has insisted on the abilities of humans to explore the world of the unknown and the mysterious to uncover the fortunes contained therein.
The Apple Computer Inc., under the leadership of Steve Jobs trail-blazed the Computer and phone industries with the Smart iOS before Samsung copied the technology without permission with their Galaxy I that earned them a libel court suite that made them pay Apple Inc., more that what they realised from the sales of Galaxy I Smart phone. All these achievements and more were for the trait of Locus of Control exhibited by Jobs in all their groundbreaking innovations in IT industry.