Apple juice concentrate: 196 kg
Cranberry concentrate: 98 kg
Grape juice concentrate: 98 kg
Water: 608 kg
We can start by calculating how much sugar we have per kg of concentrate, in the proportion 1:0.5:0.5.
Apple juice has 30% w/w
Cranberry has 17% w/w
Grape has 25% w/w

The concentrate has 25.5% w/w of sugar.
Assuming water (W) has no sugar, we have to calculate the proportions of water and concentrate (Co) to meet the final condition of 10% w/w of sugar in the cocktail:

Now we know that per 1000 kg of fruit juice cocktail, 608 kg are water and 392 kg of the contentrate mix.
Each concentrate has a proportion of 1 in 2 for the apple or 0.5 in 2 for the cranberry and grape.
The proportion of each concentrate is then: