3 votes
In this lab, you will develop a game, "Tic Tac Toe". Assume there are two players; the computer and theuser.Initially you will create the board, a 3x3 matrix, and fill it out with zeros.Ask user to start first, and record the user’s input as 1You can ask the user to enter the row first than the column (for ex; the user can enter 2 and 1,then the code shouldupdate the value of second row first column)The computer should make random moves, and the computer input should be recorded as 2After each move, check if someone wins, and display the boardDisplay the result (who wins and the board)Create as much helper functions as needed.Divide and ConquerSampleRun:board = [[0,0, 0],[0,0, 0],[0,0,0]]enter the row;2enter the column;1board = [[0,0, 0],[1,0, 0],[0,0,0]]the computer playsboard = [[0,2, 0],[1,0,0],[0,0,0]]CS103-Lab9Page4of6enter the row;2enter the column;2board = [[0,2, 0],[1,1, 0],[0,0,0]]the computer playsboard = [[0,2, 0],[1,1, 0],[0,0,2]]enter the row;2enter the column;3board = [[0,2, 0],[1,1,1],[0,0,2]]Game Over !!!!Winner: The User

1 Answer

4 votes



# importing all necessary libraries

import numpy as np

import random

# Select a random place for the player

def play(board, player):

selection = availableSpots(board)

if player==1:

row=(int)(input("Enter the row :"))

column=(int)(input("Enter the column :"))


while current_loc not in selection:

print("Invalid Input. Please give again")

row=(int)(input("Enter the row :"))

column=(int)(input("Enter the column :"))



current_loc = random.choice(selection)

board[current_loc] = player

return board

# Check for empty places on board

def availableSpots(board):

l = []

for i in range(len(board)):

for j in range(len(board)):

if board[i][j] == 0:

l.append((i, j))


# Creates an empty board

def create_board():

return(np.array([[0, 0, 0],

[0, 0, 0],

[0, 0, 0]]))

# Checks whether the player has three

# of their marks in a horizontal row

def row_win(board, player):

for x in range(len(board)):

win = True

for y in range(len(board)):

if board[x, y] != player:

win = False


if win == True:



# Checks whether the player has three

# of their marks in a vertical row

def col_win(board, player):

for x in range(len(board)):

win = True

for y in range(len(board)):

if board[y][x] != player:

win = False


if win == True:



# Checks whether the player has three

# of their marks in a diagonal row

def diag_win(board, player):

win = True

for x in range(len(board)):

if board[x, x] != player:

win = False


# Evaluates whether there is

# a winner or a tie

def evaluate(board):

winner = 0

for player in [1, 2]:

if (row_win(board, player) or

col_win(board,player) or


winner = player

if np.all(board != 0) and winner == 0:

winner = -1

return winner

def printWinner(winner):

print("Game Over !!!")

if winner==1:

print("Player Wins")

elif winner==2:

print("Computer Wins")


print("Nobody Wins")

# Main function to start the game

def play_game():

board, winner = create_board(), 0


while winner == 0:

for player in [1, 2]:

board = play(board, player)



winner = evaluate(board)

if winner != 0:




Step-by-step explanation:

See screen shot of code and see final output

In this lab, you will develop a game, "Tic Tac Toe". Assume there are two-example-1
In this lab, you will develop a game, "Tic Tac Toe". Assume there are two-example-2
In this lab, you will develop a game, "Tic Tac Toe". Assume there are two-example-3
In this lab, you will develop a game, "Tic Tac Toe". Assume there are two-example-4
In this lab, you will develop a game, "Tic Tac Toe". Assume there are two-example-5
User Zerok
7.2k points