Glucokinase ( Hexokinase IV): Plays significant role, not sensisitve
Hexokinase I II or III : In tissues,
Step-by-step explanation:
A) Plays a significant role in liver regulation of blood glucse levels. (It is present within liver).
B) It is not sensitive to inhibition by glucose-6-phoaphate(remians active even when glucose is abundant and is not effected by allosteric inhibition.)
C) Subcellular localisation is regulated by fructose-6-phosphate (when fructose -6-phosphate concentration is high causes localisation of hexokinase IV to nucleus as it is inhibited by high Fructose-6-phosphate concentration and releases into cytosol when glucose concntration is high)
2. Hexokinase I II or III :
A)Present in tissues that sense blood glucose levels.
B) When blood glucose levels fall below normal range maintains maximum velocity. ( since it has high affinity for glucose and low glucose concentration favors low Km for hexokinase I II III) .