From the fourth clue, we know that three of the digits are in 9245. From the first clue, we know that two of the digits are in 5310. Therefore, 5 must be one of the digits.
From the second clue, we know that two of the digits are in 2519. Since 5 is one of the digits, either 2 or 9 is another digit, but not both. We also know that 1 is not a digit.
Since 5 is a digit and 1 is not a digit, we know from the first clue that either 3 or 0 is a digit, but not both. From the fifth clue, we know that neither 9 or 6 is a digit. Therefore, 2 is a digit. And from the third clue, we know that neither 7 nor 8 is a digit.
From the sixth clue, we know that 4 and 0 are digits, and that they are the hundreds and tens place, respectively. So the number is either 5402 or 2405. From the first or second clue, we know that it is 2405.