The speed of light is 299212.5984
(kilometers per second), if the light 1.27 seconds to travel from Earth to the moon. If the distance is 380,000 km to the moon.
Step-by-step explanation:
The given is,
Light 1.27 seconds to travel from Earth to the moon
Distance is 380,000 km to the moon
Formula to calculate the speed,
Where, d - Distance
t - Time taken
From given,
d = 380000 km
t = 1.27 seconds
Equation (1) becomes,
= 299212.5984
Speed of light, s = 299212.5984 kilometers per second
The speed of light is 299212.5984
(kilometers per second), if the light 1.27 seconds to travel from Earth to the moon. If the distance is 380,000 km to the moon.