Questions have not been provided with the case study. They are as follows:
1. Why did the nurse who listened to Mr. JD’s chest not hear breath sounds over the area of infection?
2. How did such a large area of Mr. JD’s lung become involved in the infection so quickly?
1. Normally gas exchange process occurs continuously in the lungs so breathing sounds are audible from the chest. However, the infected area of Mr. JD's lungs was not able to exchange gas anymore. Alveoli or air sacs of the lungs were filled with bacteria and inflammatory cells due to which they were not able to take part in gas exchange. Hence, the nurse could not hear breathing sounds over the infected area.
2. Lungs are made of alveoli or air sacs which take part in gas exchange. All the alveoli are connected to each other via pores called as Pores of Kohn. These pores help to control the air pressure in lungs and prevent them from collapsing. However, in Mr. JD's case; the bacteria, inflammatory cells and their secretions used these pores to spread to every alveoli. Hence, a large area of his lung became infected in a short time.