mumners = 0x7ffc4d2767d0
Method1: Address of array Elements
numbers[0] = 0x7ffc4d2767d0
numbers[1] = 0x7ffc4d2767d4
numbers[2] = 0x7ffc4d2767d8
numbers[3] = 0x7ffc4d2767dc
numbers[4] = 0x7ffc4d2767e0
Method2: Address of array Elements
numbers[0] = 0x7ffc4d2767d0
numbers[1] = 0x7ffc4d2767e4
numbers[2] = 0x7ffc4d2767f8
numbers[3] = 0x7ffc4d27680c
numbers[4] = 0x7ffc4d276820
sizeof(numbers) = 20
mumners = 0x7ffc4d2767d0
Method1: Address of array Elements
numbers[0] = 0x7ffc4d2767d0
Yes both are same since address of the array is the address of its first element
Method1: Address of array Elements
numbers[0] = 0x7ffc4d2767d0
numbers[1] = 0x7ffc4d2767d4
numbers[2] = 0x7ffc4d2767d8
numbers[3] = 0x7ffc4d2767dc
numbers[4] = 0x7ffc4d2767e0
Method2: Address of array Elements
numbers[0] = 0x7ffc4d2767d0
numbers[1] = 0x7ffc4d2767e4
numbers[2] = 0x7ffc4d2767f8
numbers[3] = 0x7ffc4d27680c
numbers[4] = 0x7ffc4d276820
Address printed using Method1 and Method2 are same since name of the array itself a pointer and adding 1 to it gives second element address and 2 to it gives third element and so on similarly applying address operator over the array elements provides the direct address of the element.
printf("Length(numbers) = %lu\\",sizeof(numbers)/sizeof(numbers[0]));
Dividing an size of array by size of individual array elements gives length of an array
Length(numbers) = 5
Yes even if numbers are passed to a function sizeof can be applied since numbers is starting address of an array and to pass an array as argument its address passed.