IRR is 18.25%
Annual amount is -$0.225 which closest to zero dollar,because at irr the investment return is zero
Step-by-step explanation:
The formula for IRR in excel is :irr(values)
The formula can be applied to the cash outflow of $4,000 and cash inflow of $9,250 in five years' time as follows
Years Cash flow
0 -$4,000
1 $0
2 $0
3 $0
4 $0
5 $9,250
irr(-$4000 to $9,250)
irr is 18.25%
The amount of receivable each year can be computed using pmt formula in excel
rate is the irr of 18.25%
pv is -$4000
fv is the future amount 0f $9,250
pmt=-$0.225 which closest to zero amount