First, the denominator needs to be the same. The smallest number that both numbers have in common is 24.
Since, the denominator of both is 24, the fractions won't be same because the numerator is the same.
For 3/8, we get 24 by multiplying 8 times 3. So, to make the fraction equal to the original, we have to multiply 3 by 3 (numerator) as well:
Same for 1/6, we get 24 by multiplying 6 times 4. So, to make the fraction equal to the original, we have to multiply 4 by 1 (numerator) as well:
Then, to find the FINAL fraction, we have to subtract the numerator only.
For the WHOLE number,s you just subtract those like normal. 5 - 3 = 2
Final answer under "answer" heading