Obtain a history through observation, interview, and/or review of relevant records to assess current
or potential injury, illness, or condition.
B. Inspect the involved area(s) visually to assess the injury, illness, or health-related condition.
C. Palpate the involved area(s) using standard techniques to assess the injury, illness, or health-related
D. Perform specific tests in accordance with accepted procedures to assess the injury, illness, or healthrelated condition.
E. Formulate a clinical impression by interpreting the signs, symptoms, and predisposing factors of the
injury, illness, or condition to determine the appropriate course of action.
F. Educate the appropriate individual(s) regarding the assessment by communicating information about
the current or potential injury, illness, or health-related condition to encourage compliance with
recommended care.
G. Share assessment findings with other health care professionals using effective means of communication to coordinate appropriate care.
Step-by-step explanation: