Although the Enlightenment movement was a 17th and 18th century movement, their ¨faith¨ in Reason and the individual expression influenced many a person and even countries such as France:
Egalité, liberté, fraternité
Step-by-step explanation:
B In general Marxist theories are used to explain the fundamental differences between those who own a production mode (and get richer) and those who work producing (and stay poor).
C Great Britain was not involved in any economic imperialism in Latin America; The whole area from Mexico to Chile probably would have been known as British America.
D The emerging anticolonialist (and independent) movements in Latin America date from the early 19th century. The abolition of slavery was still far away and was another matter.
A The European Enlighthenment emphasized Reason, as opposed to Faith, as the only way to improve humanity. Within this reasoning there clearly was a more individual approach to how humans should live their lifes without the religious chains that focused on the group instead of the person.
Speaking of chains: the abolition of slavery was the logical consequence of implementing liberty, equality and brotherhood.