Denial is a defense mechanism which allows an individual not to accept the truth about a painful experience or distress.
Step-by-step explanation:
Denial is a way of coping with distress. Denial means trying to reject the truth about a situation. It could be denying the truth about your personal situation or about someone else like your friends, parents or siblings.
Denial is a defense mechanism used to protect oneself against accepting a painful experience or situation in life.
Denial could be helpful or harmful.
It can be helpful when one begin to take action about a problem by seeking for help.
It could be harmful if you don't seek for help when in distress.
A person engaged in denial is trying to stay sane and act normal like everything is alright with he/she. The person tries to block negative thought and focus on more positive thoughts.
Example of denial
1) A young lady who just experienced a breakup from her boyfriend who she truly loves but act like the breakup doesn't affect her or that she doesn't love the guy.
2) A 21 year old person who has cancer and has about 10 months to live have plans of celebrating his/her 25th birthday in a big way
3) When someone is harboring the thought that coronavirus is not real or it is not a serious disease.