def barGraph(w, h, data):
# creating Canvas
paper = Canvas(w, h)
# defining variables
largest = max(data) # largest element in data
length = len(data) # length of data list
barWidth = 0.8 * w / length # length of each bar of the histogram
maxBarHeight = 0.8 * h # maximum height of each bar of the histogram
minBarHeight = maxBarHeight / largest # minimum height of each bar
# Starting points
x = 0.1 * w
y = 0.9 * h
# looping through the list
for i in data:
currBarHeight = minBarHeight * i # current bar height
x1 = x + barWidth
y1 = y - currBarHeight
# creating the rectangle, and adding it to the bar graph
bar = Polygon( Point(x,y), Point(x,y1), Point(x1,y1), Point(x1,y) )
x = x1
# returning the canvas
return paper