1) The independent variable is the type of word that has two possible values: positive / negative.
The dependant variable is the time of reaction of the subjects.
2) T-student test of the difference of two means, with estimated standard deviation.

4) The critical values are t_c=±1.734.
5) t=-0.53
6) Attached
7) The null hypothesis failed to be rejected.
8) There is no enough evidence to claim that the reaction time differ between the two types of words.
2) In this case, the statistical test is an hypothesis test comparing both means, to know if the time of reaction to positive words is different from the time of reaction to negative words.
As we will work with sample standard deviation as a estimation of the population standard deviation, we will use a T-student test.
3) The null and alternative hypothesis are:

4) The critical values depend on the number of degrees of freedom and the level of significance. Assuming a significance level of α=0.10 and having 18 degrees of freedom,

the critical values are t_c=±1.734.
5) The sample mean and standard deviation for the Positive words reaction time is:

The sample mean and standard deviation for the Negative words reaction time is:

The estimation of the standard deviation of the difference is:

Then, the t-statistic can be calculated as:

6) Attached
t= t-statistical
tc: t-critical
7) The t-statistic lies in the acceptance region, so the null hypothesis failed to be rejected.
8) There is no enough evidence to claim that the mean time of reaction to positive words is different from the mean time of reaction to negative words.