4 votes
When performing a BIA, you are trying to assess and align the affected IT systems, applications, and resources to their required recovery time objectives (RTOs). The prioritization of the identified mission-critical business functions will define what IT systems, applications, and resources are impacted. The RTO will drive what kind of business continuity and recovery steps are needed to maintain IT operations within the specified time frames.

Performa BIA assessment and fill in the following chart:

Business Function
Business Impact
Recovery Time Objective
IT Systems/Apps Infrastructure
Internal and external voice communications with
customers in real-time
Level 3
Less than 24 hours
Systems/App Domain
Internal and external e-mail communications with
customers via store and forward messaging
Level 1
Less than 5 hours
Systems/App Domain
DNS – for internal and
external IP communications
Level 2
Less than 24 hours
Internet connectivity for email
and store and forward
customer service
Level 2
Less than 24 hours
Systems/APP Domain

Business Function Or Process
Business Impact Factor
Recovery Time Objective
IT Systems/Apps Infrastructure Impacts
Self-service website for
customer access to
information and personal
account information
Level 2
Less than 24 hours
Remote access domain
e-Commerce site for online
customer purchases or
scheduling 24x7x365
Level 2
Less than 24 ours
Systems/App domain
Payroll and human
resources for employees
Level 1
Less than 24 hours
LAN domain
Real-time customer service
via website, e-mail, or
telephone requires CRM
Level 2
Less than 24 hours
LAN domain
Network management and
technical support
Level 3
1-2 days
LAN Domain
Marketing and events
Level 4
2-4 days
Systems/App domain
Sales orders or customer/
student registration
Level 1
Less than 24 hours
Systems/App domain
Remote branch office sales
order entry to headquarters
Level 1
Less than 24 hours
Remote access domain
Voice and e-mail
communications to remote
Level 2
Less than 24 hours
Accounting and finance
support: Accts payable,
Accts receivable, etc.
Level 2
Less than 24
Systems/app domain

User Hilli
7.1k points

1 Answer

3 votes


VOIP call servers, DNS LAN/WAN network

Email servers, DNS LAN/WAN network

VOIP call servers, emails servers, DNS LAN/WAN network

Web servers, DNS email servers, LAN/WAN network

Web servers, account application servers, customer database servers, WAN network

Employee database, employee payroll, Application server, LAN network

VOIP call servers DNS internet access, email servers, CRM application servers, CRM database

LAN/WAN network, internet access, remote monitoring, remote management

Marketing and event planning application software and server

Inventory database, web servers, account application servers, internet access

Step-by-step explanation:

Business function: Internal and external voice communication with customers in real time

Business impact: Critical

Recovery Time Objective: 8 hours

IT Systems/ App infrastructure: VOIP call servers, DNS LAN/WAN network

Business function: Internal and external email communication with customers via store and forward messaging

Business impact: Critical

Recovery Time Objective: 6 hours

IT Systems/ App infrastructure: Email servers, DNS LAN/WAN network

User Pranphy
8.1k points