VOIP call servers, DNS LAN/WAN network
Email servers, DNS LAN/WAN network
VOIP call servers, emails servers, DNS LAN/WAN network
Web servers, DNS email servers, LAN/WAN network
Web servers, account application servers, customer database servers, WAN network
Employee database, employee payroll, Application server, LAN network
VOIP call servers DNS internet access, email servers, CRM application servers, CRM database
LAN/WAN network, internet access, remote monitoring, remote management
Marketing and event planning application software and server
Inventory database, web servers, account application servers, internet access
Step-by-step explanation:
Business function: Internal and external voice communication with customers in real time
Business impact: Critical
Recovery Time Objective: 8 hours
IT Systems/ App infrastructure: VOIP call servers, DNS LAN/WAN network
Business function: Internal and external email communication with customers via store and forward messaging
Business impact: Critical
Recovery Time Objective: 6 hours
IT Systems/ App infrastructure: Email servers, DNS LAN/WAN network