import sys
number = int (input ("Enter a number between 1 to 100 : "))
x = 0
y = 0
if number == 0:
elif number > 50:
print("Increment x value")
print("Increment y value")
if x > y:
print("Most of your numbers are greater than 50")
print("Most of your numbers are less than or equals to 50")
Step-by-step explanation:
In this User will be asked to input the number.
If the number is 0 then it will exit
If the number is greater than 50 then it will increment X
If the number is less than 50 then it will increment Y
Then X and Y will be compared and print command will be executed.
Note : We can use quit and exit in place of sys.exit() as well. But make sure to use stderr as well.