It takes 1hr 37 mins to pass each other and 30 seconds.
This is a ratio of (1: 0.75 ) = 16:20
= 2hr journey x 1/2 =2:1.50 (4:3)
= 3hr journey x 1/3 = 3 : 2.25 = 75% of one hr = 45mins+ 1hr -7.55
= 1.37.5mins later
3pm + 1hr 37.5 = .5 = 30 seconds.
We can double check if 280m each side = is ratio 3/4 closer
this is 160:120 = 18/13.5 or 13.5 : 18 = 4 hr = 280 miles in one direction 18-3.5 = 14.5 = 14.5 - half again = 14.5 - 7.25 = 7.25
Ratio of 18:13.5 of 4.5 = 22.5mins subtract 2hrs. = 137.5
=1.37hr 30sec.
(14/17 of 280=235 we half this 1hr.35
Difference = 1hr 35 or 1 hr 37.5
The first two answer are more reliable.