Explained Below
Step-by-step explanation:
A Cultural Myth are traditional stories arising from folktales and oral storytelling with multiple meanings as well as interpretations assigned to it. Such myths have long lasting effects in the lives of people that can shape their behavior, language, food habits etc. Myths can be true or false depending on its historical evidences set in the geographical proximity of an area.
Different races and societies can have diverse myths that play a significant role in shaping their culture.
Some Examples:
Racial Stereotyping- The prejudice revolving around a particular race leads to their subjugation. Black Americans were considered savages for a long time due to their racial identity.
Cultural Superiority- The native Americans in the South were considered inferior due to their traditional values and life in the wilderness. They have portrayed as barbaric and cavemen who were uncivilized. The portrayal of cowboys in movies can be a good example.