Suppose the world price of steel falls substantially.
The demand for labor among steel-producing firms in Pennsylvania will DECREASE. The demand for labor among automobile-producing firms in Michigan, for which steel is an input, will INCREASE. The temporary unemployment resulting from such sectoral shifts in the economy is best described as FRICTIONAL UNEMPLOYMENT.
2. A. Improving a widely used job-search website so that it matches workers to job vacancies more effectively.
Step-by-step explanation:
To tackle frictional unemployment and reduce it, matching of job seekers with job openings of should be carried out.
This can be thoroughly achieved through the transmission of information.
It should be noted tgat frictional unemployment is not related to economic policy and inflation.
What can only erase it is widespread transmission of information among job seekers regarding the availability of jobs.
With such, job seekers in Pennsylvania will get notified of job vacancies in steel-related jobs in Michigan.