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Step-by-step explanation:
Diversity based policies are policies that encourage equal representation of people of various genders, race and even physical abilities in an organization.
Diversity based policies prevent discriminations among groups and allow equal representation.
Identity is unique to an individual or groups of individuals, it explains what makes a person or group of persons different from another person or group.
The cognitive diversity hypothesis suggests that when members of an organization are from diverse cultural groups, there will be multiple perspectives which will enhance creative problem solving and innovation.
The social identity theory explains that individuals prefer to interact or relate with people of similar groups or attributes. When diversity based policies are implemented, people are forced to meet people from other groups and inter-group communication is encouraged. The productivity of such organization also tends to increase.
The theory of floating identity or critical perspectives explains that if diversity categories are seen as fixed and unified, diversity management, rather than managing the individuals,will manage the group they belong.
In summary, individuals in an organization should be properly represented without any form of discrimination due to race or gender. This is the essence of employing policies that are diversity based.