Answer: Labor cost is a representative of greater percentage of total cost for many firms. From the data of Bureau of Labor statistics, the U.S labour cost up to 2% in 2015 in comparison to 2014.
Step-by-step explanation:
A. As labor increases, average total cost and marginal cost increases as well due to the fact that labor is part of total cost of production. If labor cost represents only variable cost when firms shut down, labor cost will be save but if it represents but variable and fixed cost, labor cost can't be avoided.
B. A positive productivity growth lead to a total product curve and marginal labor curve shift upward because total output and marginal product of labor curve increases.
C. A positive productivity curve will result in an downward shift of marginal cost curve and average total cost curve because average total cost and marginal cost decreases per output.
D. If labor cost are rising overtime on average. equipments, technologies and methods that increases labor productivity will be adopted in order for total output and marginal product of labour to increase.