Answer: The Non Compete is NOT Enforceable.
Step-by-step explanation:
An Agreement not to compete with your previous company is a RESTRICTIVE covenant that was generally introduced to ensure that Upper and Middle Management who were generally privy to Trade Secrets in an Organization do not take that information somewhere else and use it against that old company usually in exchange for better compensation packages.
Hernandez joined Access Organics and regrettably was not given a pay increase or any other special considerations. This is very relevant.
For a Non-compete to hold relevance especially if it is signed AFTER an employee has already being working in an organization, there needs to be SUFFICIENT Considerations that gave the employee better terms such as more job security or better benefits as a result of signing said agreement.
Andy Hernandez received no such benefits in return for signing the agreement and so the Non-compete Agreement lacks said Sufficient Considerations.
The Non-compete is therefore NOT ENFORCEABLE.
It is worthy of note that in the actual case, the Judge ruled in favor of of Andy Hernandez.
If you require further clarification do react or comment.