Emotional health has do with your feelings and Intelligence
Mental health has to do with you process information that threatens your mood
Step-by-step explanation:
To make it very clear and simple to students, I'll like to place the difference and meaning in clear terms.
EMOTIONAL HEALTH refers to feelings. Your ability to express feelings probably, accurately without a decline from psychological wellness. It also have to do with your relational abilities with others; how happy you are, how open to ideas , how supportive and how all of the factors that affects your mood determines your choices.
MENTAL HEALTH refers to your mental wellness. How you think, interpret people's thoughts and actions and how that affects decisions you take.
Both of these health wellness affects the following:
1. Stress
2. Self esteem
3. Anxiety
4. Depression
5. Worry
6. Sadness / Happiness
7. Grief
8. Heart break/ache
9. Death
10. Loss etc.
Your MENTAL and EMOTIONAL HEALTH determines how you react to all of the above mentioned.