4 votes
Lee la siguiente selección y estudia el dibujo. Luego compara la representación del individuo en su entorno en las dos obras en relación con el existencialismo.

He andado muchos caminos,
he abierto muchas veredas;
he navegado en cien mares,
y atracado en cien riberas.
En todas partes he visto
caravanas de tristeza,
soberbios y melancólicos
borrachos de sombra negra,
y pedantones al paño
que miran, callan, y piensan
que saben, porque no beben
el vino de las tabernas.
Mala gente que camina
y va apestando la tierra...
Y en todas partes he visto
gentes que danzan o juegan,
cuando pueden, y laboran
sus cuatro palmos de tierra.
Nunca, si llegan a un sitio,
preguntan a dónde llegan.
Cuando caminan, cabalgan
a lomos de mula vieja,
y no conocen la prisa
ni aun en los días de fiesta.
Donde hay vino, beben vino;
donde no hay vino, agua fresca.
Son buenas gentes que viven,
laboran, pasan y sueñan,
y en un día como tantos,
descansan bajo la tierra.
Antonio MachadoPoesías completasMadrid: Espasa-Calpe, 2006.(Originalmente se publicó en Soledades, galerías y otros poemas en 1907).

Lee la siguiente selección y estudia el dibujo. Luego compara la representación del-example-1
User Khachik
6.9k points

1 Answer

1 vote


Read the following selection and study the drawing. Then he compares the representation of the individual in his environment in the two works in relation to existentialism.

I have walked many roads,

I have opened many sidewalks;

I have sailed in a hundred seas,

and docked on a hundred banks.

Everywhere I have seen

caravans of sadness,

proud and melancholic

drunkards of black shadow,

and pedants to the cloth

who look, remain silent, and think

they know why they don't drink

the wine from the taverns.

Bad people who walk

and the earth stinks ...

And everywhere I have seen

people who dance or play,

when they can and they work

its four spans of land.

Never, if they get to a site,

they ask where they get to.

When they walk, they ride

on the back of an old mule,

and they don't know the rush

not even on holidays.

Where there is wine, they drink wine;

where there is no wine, fresh water.

They are good people who live,

they labor, pass and dream,

and in a day like so many,

they rest underground.

Antonio Machado Complete poetry Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 2006. (Originally published in Soledades, galleries and other poems in 1907).

Step-by-step explanation:

i don't know what is it you wanted me to do but i decided it would be more help full to translate it since this is in Spanish.

User Ivano
7.0k points