The system administrator should update the antivirus software and scan the full computer with antivirus to detect and remove this worm from the system. In future, make sure the antivirus is up to date so that it can detect the worm attack easily.
Step-by-step explanation:
Wind32.VB is the virus that attacked on the computer system and affect the system by self executing capability. In case there is no antivirus software or antivirus software is not up to data then this virus affect the performance of the system. It can change different settings of the data and folders that may cause to lose the data.
To save from this virus attack, an antivirus should be installed and need to be updated every time. This can reduce the risk of above mentioned malware. If the system is under attack of this virus, so make your antivirus up to data and scan your full system for detection and removal of this virus from different drives and folders of the computer.
To avoid these types of incidents in future, keep the antivirus up to data. so that it can detect the virus attack and stop it from affecting the performance of the system.