1. Relief for the millions of victims of the economic crisis.
2.Recovery from the economic crisis.
3. Reform from the economic system.
2. Roosevelt declared bank holiday with the Emergency Banking Act in 1933 it was intended to restore America’s confidence in banks when they reopened. Repair the bank system that was crumbling. Americans were not trusting banks with their business and money.,
3. Congress created CCC to provide government jobs in reforestation, flood control,and other conversation projects to young men between the ages 18-25. Designed to provide jobs during Great Depression.
4. It was set up for elderly, unemployed, disadvantaged to pay financial benefits to retirees, disabled over the age 65 based on lifetime payroll tax contributions. System of old age benefits for workers,benefits for victims of industrial accidents, unemployment insurance, aid for dependent mothers and children,the blind and the physically handicapped.
4.Guaranteed the right of workers to organize and outlines the legal framework for labor union and management relations. Protected workers. Provided framework for collective bargaining. Set rules to protect unions and organizers.