D. The cost of cakes for receptions with fewer than the average number of guests would go down.
Step-by-step explanation:
If the cost is allocated on the basis of number of guests, cost would go down for fewer guest.
Average no. of guests = (72 + 189) / 2 = 130.5 ≈ 131
Total Costs Pyburn Smith Wedding
Size related cost 0.94 x 72 = $67.68 , (0.94 x 189) = ($177.66)
Complexity Related $31.62 x 4 = $126.48 , ($31.62 x 5) = ($158.10)
Order-related $55.79 x 1 = $55.79
Total Cost $249.95 + $341.55 = $591.50
Allocation on the basis of no. of guests $591.50 x 72/261 $163.17 $428.33 ($591.50x189/261)
The cost reduces from $249.95 to $163.17 (due to number of guests 72 being less than average 131)