Calcium, Iron.
Step-by-step explanation:
Calcium and Iron
Calcium is an essential nutrients element in man's diet. The requirement of calcium is 1000mg per day but for a pregnant woman more than this is required because of the developing feotus. Calcium helps in bone development, heart and nervous system functioining. When calcium is not available for developing embryo its lead to soft bone formation and Ricket in small children. Calcium can be gotten from green vegetables, fruits such as citrus, milk product such as cheese and yoghurt.
Iron is also an essential nutrients element for pregnant woman its helps in the formation of heamoglobin in red blood cell, Heamoglobin in the red blood cell helps in the transport of oxygen in the body. Hence, when iron is low heamoglobin cannot be formed and oxygen circulation is inhibited. Sources of calcium include meat, egg, liver.