The idea here is to "match" the exponent on the radicands (the number/variables under the radical sign) to the index (the little number that sits in the "arm" of the radical sign). Your problem looks like this:
Our index is a 2. If we could rewrite both the 64 and the y^16 with bases to the power of 2 (that's why I say to "match" the exponent to the index), we could pull out the base. For example,
because the power is a 2 and so is the index, so we pull out the base of x.
Our rewrite would look like this:
(remember that power to power on a base means you multiply the exponents so 8 * 2 = 16).
The power on the 8 is a 2 which matches our index of 2 so we will pull out the 8; the power on the y^8 is a 2 which also matches our index of 2 so we will pull out the y^8. The simplification of this is