Final answer:
The inquiry is about defining two Python classes, Artist and Artwork, with constructors and a print_info() method to display different formatted outputs based on the artist's life status and the artwork's creation details.
Step-by-step explanation:
The question requires the definition of two classes in Python programming: Artist and Artwork. Both classes have constructors to initialize class attributes and a print_info() method to output relevant information.
Artist Class:
The Artist class should initialize the artist's name, birth_year, and death_year with default values of 'None' and 0, respectively. If the death year is -1, it indicates that the artist is still alive, and the print_info() method should print the artist's name followed by their birth year only. Otherwise, it prints the artist's name with their birth and death years in parentheses.
Artwork Class:
The Artwork class should initialize the artwork's title, year_created, and artist with default values of 'None', 0, and an instance of Artist using default values, respectively. The print_info() method should print the title and year created, preceded by the artist's information formatted according to the specifications of the Artist class.