A. Represent an oligopoly in which there are few sellers and each seller has considerable control over price
Step-by-step explanation:
An oligopoly refers to a market form characterized by small number of sellers firms, wherein each seller exercises significant influence on the price and output level.
Following are the features of this market form;
- Few dominant firms
- Mutual inter- dependence
- Barriers to entry
- Homogeneous/ Differentiated products
Oligopoly can be of 2 kinds,
Pure Oligopoly , wherein the sellers produce homogeneous products
Differentiated Oligopoly, wherein the sellers produce distinct or unique products.
The given case indicates the operation of Differentiated oligopoly as all car manufacturers produce slightly different car variants. Also, when one of the sellers i.e Toyota decided to offer buying incentives, the other players too stepped in, since, Under Oligopoly, price and output decisions of one firm directly affect the profitability of other firms.