The high carbohydrate diet is a good idea for Michael, however his fat and protein needs are not being correctly satisfied.
Step-by-step explanation:
- Is the high-carbohydrate diet a good idea during Michael´s training?
Yes because running is a cardio sport which needs a hug amount of energy, mainly given by carbohydrates.
-Are there any important components in Michael´s diet?
Yes, more fats.
-Are missing components contributing to his fatigue?
Yes because he needs high amount of energy which is also given by the fats in his diet, if he lacks of it, it affects him.
-Describe some chenges that should be made in Michael´s diet including some after 20 minutes into his training program:
For lunch: add a white omelet.
For before training: a banana which will give him the energy that his needs for his training, also, it has potasium that avoids a muscle cramp.
For dinner: add half avocado that will give him the healthy fats he needs.
-How should fluid needs be met during workout?
He should drink enough water during and after his workouts.