In the ocean, carbon dioxide reacts with seawater to form carbonic acid, and this results in the ocean pH to drop (becoming acid). When carbon dioxide increases there will be an increase in carbonic acid, thus a huge drop in the pH level causing the water to be more acidic, resulting in the phenomenon called ocean acidification. Ocean acidification result in the oceans' animals inability to form shells and skeletons .
Step-by-step explanation:
Ocean acidification causes a disruption the oceans' ecosystem,for corals and shelled-marine animals, acidifaction of their shells and skeletons ,make them vulnerable to harsh weathers (storms), and they make not fully recover. This phenomenon may also affect the reproduction and development of other marine animals.
Ocean acidification also have an effect on humans. We get our food from the ocean, and ocean acidification means a decrease in food supply. Due to the death of corals, the tourism sector will also be affected.